Internal rating in the Glicko-2 scale
Internal rating deviation
Internal volatility
Internal value for Tau
An array of the ratings of the opponents faced
An array of the rating deviations of the opponents faced
The default rating of the player Used in calculations between the Glicko scales
The id of the player
An array of the outcomes the player has been in
The volatility Algorithm for the player
The Glicko E function.
The delta function of the Glicko2 system. Calculation of the estimated improvement in rating (step 4 of the algorithm)
The Glicko2 g(RD) function.
Calculation of the estimated letiance of the player’s rating based on game outcomes
Calculates and updates the player’s rating deviation for the beginning of a rating period. preRatingRD() -> None
Adds a result to the players object
The outcome: 0 = defeat, 1 = victory, 0.5 = draw
The rating of the player in the Glicko format
An object of the players rating, rating deviation, volatility and the recent outcomes
The rating deviation of the player
The volatility value of the player
A boolean value of if the player has played a game
Sets the rating of the player
The rating in Glicko format
Sets the rating deviation of the player
Sets the volatility value of the player
Calculates the new rating and rating deviation of the player. Follows the steps of the algorithm described at
The class for a player object